The core target group for Care and Repair services is older owner occupiers aged 60 and over. Some Care & Repair services extend this client group to include owners of any age group with physical or mental disabilities, private rented sector and crofting tenants (particularly in the Highlands and Islands).
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 creates a new Scheme of Assistance for housing purposes, based on the principle that individual owners have primary responsibility for maintaining their properties in good condition, but with assistance available where necessary.
The Act introduces new powers for local authorities to re-focus financial assistance from repair and improvement grants to include standard and subsidised loans.
The framework for financial assistance is around the following principles:
This means that there will be variations in what qualifies for grant assistance through Care and Repair in each local authority area. Our staff will explain to you what assistance and other options may be available to you as part of their overall advice service.